Mikazuki August's mobile suit will have its upgrade after battling Hashmal, an unmanned mobile armor that took many lives during the Calamity War. Barbatos was heavily damaged and eventually need a repair. Despite the anime' not giving any hints of its new appearance, Bandai already released photos of the new mobile suit in which they used parts of the Hashmal in upgrading Barbatos.
Designs looks cool for me despite the longer arms that may not look proportional. If you're familiar with Digimon, this new upgrade looks similar with Wargreymon because of the arms and feet. While some people don't like its design, we cannot tell how this suit will perform in the anime. Definite a must have for IBO fans.
Designs looks cool for me despite the longer arms that may not look proportional. If you're familiar with Digimon, this new upgrade looks similar with Wargreymon because of the arms and feet. While some people don't like its design, we cannot tell how this suit will perform in the anime. Definite a must have for IBO fans.
Release date: February 2017
Price: 1,512 Yen / 657 Pesos
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