Monday 30 May 2016

Superhero movies and evolution of viewers

2016 is a great year for all the geeks as we saw the debut of DC's trinity at Batman v Superman, first solo film of Deadpool, the most anticipated civil war and recently X- men Apocalypse. In this digital age, movie viewers tend to rely on reviews which can also affect the performance in sales of the movie. Good example is The Amazing Spider-man 2, for me it's a good movie but some douchebags posted spoilers in the social media which results in disappointment for moviegoers which leads to poor sales and cancellation of the franchise. The movie might have flaws but the consistency and story is right there but unfortunately we won't be able to see what will happen next since Spider-man's rights are back to Marvel Studios/ Disney.

BvS also suffered that same fate tho if you think about the movie plot wise, kinda shallow (Martha!) But I enjoyed the movie. Civil War is also criticized by netizens saying it doesn't follow the comics (meh! You just googled it don't call yourself a Marvel Geek).

To conclude this nonsense article just enjoy the movie. Don't say negative comments even though you haven't seen the movie yet. If you're a Marvel fan that's good, if you're more of DC that's also good. After all it's a win win situation because we're able to see our favorite characters in the big screen.

Don't spoil the movie to anyone. Don't be that shit :)

Follow me on instagram @therenzoneproject

Monday 23 May 2016

X-Men: Apocalyspe [Spoiler Review]

Last May 21, I attended the 4th Superfan Screening of Filbars. Screening is quite different if you compare it to the previous screening. I would like to share some insight but I won't elaborate the whole movie. Moving forward to the main topic, the movie starts with a flashback wherein we see ancient civilization ruled by En Sabah Nur a.k.a. Apocalypse. It's quite notable that his 4 horsemen are amusing tho they don't have much screen time. I'm not a solid X-men but his power in the movie is a bit different from the comics as he need to transfer his consciousness to other body to gain the power.

They also reintroduced Jean Grey, Kurt Wagner, Warren, Ororo, Jubilee and Scott Summers in the movie which I think they did a great job portraying their character except for Angel and Jubilee. One problem that I saw in the X-men franchise is that they tend to use a character they won't fully utilize them. I feel bad for them but somehow the managed to entertain us with Quicksilver saving the mutants from explosion ( insert music "Sweet dreams are made of these blah blah blah"). Wolverine also shows for a brief period as he was released from the Weapon X program by Jean Grey. As a Wolverine fan, I saw the rage, the fury of the Wolverine that we should have seen eons ago. He also wore the iconic weapon x suit or should I say the helmet and the wires over his body.

Some says there were only few action scenes but for me it's enough. I saw what I want to seeas the X-men fought Apocalypse with teamwork. Sophie Turner nails it I can't even wait to see her again and the Phoenix Force. One thing that I don't like in the new movie is Mystique. They literally use J-Law's popularity but I don't think Mystique is an essential character but they made her become something important in the franchise.

I don't want to spoil everyone so go out and check the movie.


There's a credit scene (ESSEX)